When I grow up.........

Yesterday Abby asked me if I could describe the life / job I want to have when we get back, what would it look like?

You ever tell anyone what you want to do when you grow up?

Well (in one long sentence) I want to be a dad that Podcasts and creates cool content that cooks meat and eggs on fire while staying fit and healthy always ready to jump on stage and host or interview while travelling with the family or solo to interesting places writing blog posts enjoying coffee and trying new things!!!!!!!

You into any of that? Lets be friends!

You see there has been a lot of soul searching and honest conversations between Abs and I on this trip around the globe. We now have our sights set on home and all of the above is a reality that I can really lean into.

Sitting round the fire pit with steaks on, freshly brewed coffee or beer in hand! Fucking good times.

I remember a night not so long ago my mate Richie and I were in full conversation round the fire pit. Couple of sensible beers while regaling old stories of our youth. We ended up on the beach letting off fireworks having the time of our lives! Couple of lads in our late 30s sneaking around having fun! Good times!

Life’s too short! Bills need paid, money generated but good times must be arranged and enjoyed!

A few years ago now my buddy Gav and I headed off on a 24 hour dad’s adventure. Gav had an awesome motorhome at the time (miss you Wilma!) and we headed for a snowy mountain. Ben Mhor I think, dunno can’t remember where but we had to turn back as the snow was too deep, vision was close to zero and it would have been stupid to go further.

Back to Wilma we trudged soaked and loving life. Laughing, telling tales and enjoying each other’s company. That night was steak and eggs, coffee, several games of scrabble and a ton of chocolate.

Both knackered, early to bed and up early for a cold water dunk, big breakfast and a journey home talking openly to each other about life!


We complicate life all too often. Chase the simple things!

What do you want to do when you grow up?

Lets GET AFTER IT and create the good times!
